If you want to take your business to new heights, you need the right map.

Why does every agent need a solid business plan? First of all, a business plan provides you an opportunity to review the successes and challenges from the previous year. It also allows you to create a roadmap of what you want to accomplish in the coming year by clearly outlining your “S.M.A.R.T.” goals—or, in other words, goals that are: 

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-based

A business plan is a practical lens through which you can see the big picture for the next year of your career. It necessitates personal accountability on your route to success and, most importantly, gives you an estimate of the revenue for the upcoming year. 

“I want all of us in this industry to be more professional and successful.”

So, do you have a business plan, or do you need help developing one? Perhaps you have a workable outline for your business plan but just need some advice on how to refine it. Whatever the case may be, I am here to help—there is more than enough business to go around, and I want all of us in this industry to be more professional and successful. 

Saye Triangle Realty and Keller Williams have all the tools you need to craft a great plan and take the steps necessary to execute it. We are here to help in any way you need it; if you would like to talk with me or one of the other top-notch professionals at Keller Williams, feel free to call, text, or send me an email. We would love to speak with you. 

Here’s to a stellar 2021! Thank you so much for engaging with my video blogs, and stay tuned! Next time, we will be discussing how to come out on top in multiple-offer situations—that is sure to be a big hit! Stay safe, and happy New Year!

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